TWO = opposites, duality, polarity, reflection, cooperation, division, duplicate, double, carbon copy, parallel, complimentary, balance, union
- also known as duo, dos, deux, double, twin, pair, couple
- yin yang = opposed balance, oscillation, separate but together
- separation and desire to return to wholeness
- duality creates conflict, conflict seeks resolution
- tension between opposing forces
- a line (i.e. the shortest distance between two points) both joins and separates
- two is the first even number, and the only even prime number
- to square a number (²) is to multiply it by itself
- digit two traces its roots back to the Brahmin Indians, who wrote 2 as two horizontal lines (like =). Over time, the lines were connected (like a z, except with a curved line).
- two is atomic number of helium
- two is important in Judaism; Noah put two of every animal in his ark, the Ten Commandments were given in the form of two tablets
- most common philosophical dichotomy is good vs. evil
- two is a good number in Chinese culture because the Cantonese word for "two" sounds like the word for "easy" ("good things come in pairs"); commonly used in Chinese product brands (i.e. double happiness, double coin, double elephants etc.)
- 2.00 denotes a grade-point average of "C," which is the minimum required for good academic standing at the undergraduate level
- "second" sometimes implies lesser (second-class, second-rate)
- Roman numeral is II
- in astrology, the second sign of the Zodiac is Taurus, the Bull (April 19 - May 20)
- twins are two offspring in the same pregnancy. They can be identical (developing from one zygote that splits and forms two embryos), or fraternal (developing from two separate eggs that are fertilized by two separate sperm)
- clones are genetically identical duplicates. In 1997, a sheep was cloned at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh. Her name was Dolly.
- phonetic sound refers to one of the most common prepositions, "to", or means "also" or "as well" (as in "too")
- on telephone keypads, the "2" key is associated with the letters A, B and C
- in astrology, 2 is ruled by the Moon
- "#2" is a child's euphemism for defacation
- 2 ball in billiards is solid blue
- "on the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree"
- in Genesis 6:19, Noah brought 2 of every living creature onto the arc
- "it takes two to tango"
- second wedding anniversary gift is cotton
- on a computer keyboard, Shift+2 gives you an at sign (@)
- in internet slang / SMS, 2 can be used in lieu of "to"